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  1. Privet - komu nujno online perevodi ili schto - mne kak raz nado perevesti dengi v Tashkent. Obrashaytes. Ya dam dengi na karte ili perevedu kuda nado - a v otvet bilo bi horosho poluchit kesh v tashkente.
  2. А если ОВИР не кончился просто въехать на недельку и уехать из Ташкента что нужно?? Есть ли какие то медосморы или что ещё?
  3. Hi Sanjar aka -) Sorry for the late call. You are the person after working with my life changed for the better. Always be yourself - happy healthy smart and professional. I still miss our lessons and your company. Best of luck to you your family and your business from another part of the Planet --)).
  4. Aha - kakie passporta - a chyom rech - elemntarno ni v odno posolstvo ne dozvonitsya. Hotline pri MVS toje myortviy - a vi hotite passport pomenyat -)
  5. Gde - Brisbane Australia. Russkiy Dom. Schto - Plov Shurpa. Plov gotovili iz dlinnogo risa i Podsolnechnogo - 3 iz 5. Shurpa Super. Davno ne el uzbekskuyu kuhnyu.
  6. I also need a child teacher from Basics to Intermediate. 10 years old. Private lessons at home. near Lisunova. Ready to pay based on the expectations. Sanjar aka - do you have any ideas if I can find anyone?
  7. Bublik tebe skolko nado poluchit i po kakomu IELTS vot vopros!
  8. Bublik best of luck - how is it going? work harder and you will get there. DO you need each 7?
  9. termamizi tabrikleyman - Nima bosada tezroq J CHga chiqsin!
  10. 99% is your help -) 1% is my hard work! Thanks ustoz! Trust me Country does not mean a lot! I have been in NZ first - Man they are just horrible in english - some of htem would not be able to get 5 i believe. AU is a lil better I would say. Another thing is If you dont speak english well - DOnt expect to be well paid! Thats an unwritten rule.
  11. I wish I had been there --)) I have fantastic answers for the questions. Please confirm it Sanjar aka -) My English speaking is way better and quicker then it was with you -) However Vocabulary is still may be pure!
  12. Санжар ака - а пахать по 3 часа в днь после паботы - учить слова - он будет - вы то да класный учитель это не вопрос
  13. shefravi - if you can not go to immi.gov.au and get it all from there - and reading russian sources - please forget about AU and NZ - and any other english speaking - work on you rlanguage first --)) Salom Alisher aka ot uje immigrirovavshego po 189!
  14. Эх если бы -) Я то физически в Окленде НЗ - посольтсво в Куала лумрур только - а что до куалы что до Ташкента одно и тоже отсюда -) ВОт и спращиваю а как Грин кардщики делают следуюзий овир свой